Sat(6th Oct) - When to do facial at opp Funan Mall, have to wake up early in the morning. Tired~ From the starting of the facial session i was frightened, as i afraid that the person might hurt me in some ways. Which indeed have la...(don wish to say where) after that have lunch with my cousins and Auntie(they are also doing the facial with me tgt). Went home after that, damn tired(reached home about 4+)...wanted to sleep, but can't so decided to online....waste the whole Sat just like that~
Yesterday - Stay at home the whole day, doing nothing(boring~). then decided to online and just then, zihui send me a link: this website is all about accessories, clothes and many i look thru the whole website and found some interesting stuffs. Below are some things that i have chose which i think quite nice...
This is the Colourful Star Ring which i named it like that...
in taiwan$$ is cost about 150 when convert to Sing $ it will be about $7.50

Same goes to this purple earring, all came from the same website which the name is call 'ABC' (weird name)
in taiwan $ it cost 120, when convert, it will be $6

*pls take notice that all the prices that i stated there are excluded the shipping and mailing fee.
Today- Just made a video tittle: '苦茶'' by BBT(棒棒堂) and HSH(黑涩会). it is meant to be a surprise for my friends(Meiting and Xiao Qian) cos i know that they like Lollipop(bbT). both of them like Ao Quan(熬犬) . and i only heard before this song, so decided to make it for them...=]
*苦茶 = Bitter Tea
Today Vb lesson damn hard(from the beginning of the lesson i don really understand it, besides that my class there are a few of them decided to leave). But i don wish to leave, so stay back and work hard lor.....
Enough talking about school matters, Talk about something much more relax..just watch the show 'Hey Gorgeous!' this time,is not our Sch is SIM(Singapore Institution of Management). then i saw that Dasmond Koh(Jiayu this time i did not spell wrong liao) quite childish leh(Jiayu, no ofference ar) cos he is acting as if he is a children like that maybe in this episode la(not sure of other episodes cos nv watch). and i think that they all call him '荣少' quite weird de leh...haahaa...of cos that are all my personal coments la....
Sigh~ still no sign of the person calling us to go and take our pay(For Your Information: last time when we are still having holiday that time i was working with my friends(Xiao Qian and Zihui) and we are suppose to get our pay at 7th Oct which is stated in the BAW(Black and White) but they say that they will inform us...but until now sttill no sign of a single call..(Wondering we will get Conned?? TOUCHWood~)